This site is a work in progress. This page is a set of notes to myself about things I am working on so I remember to work on them.
Website To Dos
- Add color to headings
- generally simplify css
- Fix the typography - make the default size larger and adjust
- Write first blog post about making this site whoa so meta
- Add an RSS feed
- Add media? Reading? TBR? I like the idea of having more ‘in progress’/to do lists. Maybe make media a top link, with reading/watching/listening under those.
- Make ‘stories that don’t exist yet’ into a randomised thing on load
- Could use remark-toc for table of contents?
Journal To Dos
- Write about ‘the web as a lived in place’ - personal websites, social media
- Alternatively/as well - the web as necropolis?
Things I’ll Forget
- Import cover images at about 400px wide
- Titles are capitals apart from unimportant words of less than 3 letters